

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How Are Traditional Braces Applied?

Traditional braces have been around for many years and are the standard among patients looking to straighten their smile. If you’ve recently had a consultation with one of our doctors at Fairwood Dental Center and they have decided that traditional braces are the right option for you, we’d like to let you know what to expect when it comes time for the braces to be applied to the teeth.

First the teeth are polished with a non-flavored paste and a cheek retractor is placed to provide a dry field that makes it easier to visualize the teeth. The teeth are lightly air-dried, and a conditioner is placed onto the front surfaces of the teeth for about 30 seconds. The conditioner is then rinsed and the teeth are again dried using suction and air. After this step, a primer is painted on the teeth. The bonding cement is placed onto the back sides of the braces, which are then placed onto the teeth. The brackets are then placed in a very precise position onto the teeth, and excess bonding cement is removed. The process is completed by removing the cheek retractor and placing the wires.

If you are searching for a straighter smile, please give us a call to discuss your orthodontic options. To learn more about the services provided at the practice, visit www.fairwooddental.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Fairwood Dental Center in Renton, WA, call 425-271-7725.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Don’t Be Tortured By Tartar

It’s no secret that we need to brush and floss our teeth on a daily basis to keep our gums healthy and our teeth clean. The reason we do this is to prevent dental plaque – a sticky film that is left behind after we eat foods that are high in carbohydrates. Plaque is bad news, because it coats your teeth, gets under your gum line, and is the leading cause of gum disease. If left untreated, these bacteria can turn into tartar, which only our doctors at Fairwood Dental Center will be able to remove.

Tartar is plaque that has hardened on your teeth. It gives plaque more surface area on which to grow and a much stickier surface to adhere, which can lead to more serious conditions, such as cavities and gum disease. Not only can tartar threaten the health of your teeth and gums, it is also a cosmetic problem. The most common sign of tartar buildup is a yellow or brown deposit between the lower front teeth or at the gum line. Once tartar has formed, only your dentist or hygienist can remove it through a process called scaling. During a scaling, the dentist or hygienist uses special instruments to remove the deposit from your teeth above and below the gum line.

If you have tartar buildup on your teeth and are due for a dental checkup, please give us a call. To learn more about the services provided at the practice, visit www.fairwooddental.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Fairwood Dental Center in Renton, WA, call 425-271-7725.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What Is a Cavity?

Cavities refer to tooth decay, which occurs when specific types of bacteria produce acid that destroys the tooth’s enamel and its underlying layer, the dentin. Cavities are very serious. If left untreated, a cavity can destroy your tooth and kill the delicate nerves at its center, which may result in an abscess, an area of infection at the root tip. Only our doctors at Fairwood Dental Center can tell for sure whether you have a cavity. This is why it is important to schedule professional cleanings and dental checkups twice a year.

The reason we brush and floss our teeth every day is to remove plaque because bacteria in plaque react with sugar in the foods we eat to produce acids that can attack and weaken tooth enamel – the hard, protective covering on our teeth. Eroding enamel leaves the teeth unprotected, allowing for cavities to develop more easily. If you’ve had a cavity for a while, you might get a toothache, especially after you eat or drink something sweet, hot, or cold. Treatment for your cavity will depend on how bad the cavity is.

If you are experiencing tooth pain, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn more about the services provided at the practice, visit www.fairwooddental.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Fairwood Dental Center in Renton, WA, call 425-271-7725.