

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ridge Augmentation

When you are considering dental implants, your dentist at Fairwood Dental Center is going to test to see if you are a legitimate candidate. We use dental implants for patients who have gum disease or problem teeth, currently wear dentures or have bone loss. One issue that comes up quite often is patients not have enough bone in their jaw to support an implant.  A certain amount of bone is required to support the implant and if you do not have the required amount, we will expose the bony defect and fill the area with bone or bone substitute through a procedure called ridge augmentation.

Deformities in the jaw can leave you with inadequate bone in which to place a dental implant. The bone defect can be caused by injury, trauma or periodontal disease. Ridge augmentation procedures can improve appearance and increase your chances for successful implant placement.  In this procedure, the bony ridge of the jaw is literally expanded by mechanical means. Bone graft material can be placed and matured for a few months before placing the implant. We have many options for bone grafting materials including bone from your own body, a cadaver, cow bone or synthetic material.

Ridge Augmentation is an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia. If you are missing teeth and do not have the bone to support a dental implant, please consider this procedure. You can set up an appointment with Dr. Aishwarya Ramanan or Dr. Arti Bhan-Kachroo by visiting our website, www.fairwooddental.com or by calling (425) 271-7725. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is one option, which can repair a cracked or damaged tooth. Crowns can be used when a filling alone will not correct the problem. A crown will look just like your own teeth and also restore function.

Fairwood Dental Center is happy to offer our patients a variety of dental care including crowns. The process of getting a crown starts by repairing the damaged tooth, which involves removing decay. The tooth is then prepared and shaped in order for the crown to fit. An impression is taken and sent to a laboratory for the crown to be made. While you wait for your permanent crown, you will be fitted for a temporary crown.

Dental crowns are usually made of materials including porcelain and ceramic. The color is matched to your other teeth. A crown is usually indistinguishable from your other teeth in appearance. It also functions the same as your natural teeth. Crowns are durable and made to last. With proper care, a crown can last for 15 years or more.

At Fairwood Dental Center, we offer a variety of dental services including cosmetic, preventative and restorative services. Our staff strives to provide you with the best possible dental care in a comfortable environment.

For more information on crowns or any of our other services, please call our office (425) 271-7725 or visit www.fairwooddental.com.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


A frenulum is a small fold or ridge of tissue that either supports or prevents the motion of the tissue to which it is attached. In the mouth, there are two frenulums: the one that connects the upper lip to the gums above your two front teeth and the one that connects the tongue to the base of your mouth. If a frenulum is too short or thick, it can cause speech impediments and gaps between teeth, so corrective action is necessary to resolve the situation. At Fairwood Dental Center in Renton, WA, Dr.  Aishwarya Ramanan and Dr. Arti Bhan-Kachroo perform frenectomies to resolve frenulums that have cause problems in his patients’ mouths.

A frenectomy is a safe and effective surgical procedure that removes the fold of skin if it is disrupting movement, growth or development. Frenectomies can be performed with either a scalpel or a laser, but at Fairwood Dental Center, our team uses a laser, which causes very little bleeding and doesn’t require stiches. The laser is also preferable to the scalpel method because there is less discomfort and healing time after the procedure. If performed on a young child, a conscious anesthesia is used to relax and numb the child, while adults receive just a local anesthesia numb the area while the fold is removed. A typical frenectomy takes less than 15 minutes.

If your frenulum is causing problems for your smile, a frenectomy can solve them. Schedule an appointment at Fairwood Dental Center in Renton, WA by calling (425) 271-7725. For more information about Dr. Aishwarya Ramanan or Dr. Arti Bhan-Kachroo and their services, please visit www.fairwooddental.com.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Manual Toothbrushes vs Electric Toothbrushes

Walking down the toothbrush aisle, there are so many options to choose from. The biggest difference to choose between is by far manual vs electric. We, at Fairwood Dental Center of Renton, WA, want to aid our patients in making the decision between going electric or manual.

With manual toothbrushes going from a few hundred strokes per minute to electric brushes providing tens-of-thousands of strokes per minute, it may seem like the more strokes, the better. However, it is really the brushing technique that matters the most. Manual brushes have shown to do just as good of a job at brushing as electric brushes.  However, the recent addition of the more expensive sonic brushes has been shown to result in less plaque and gingivitis. This is a debated idea, though, as many feel that those who invest more in healthcare products are usually the best at keeping good hygiene.

There is one solid advantage that electric toothbrushes have over manual toothbrushes. Electric toothbrushes do all of the work. This means that for patients who suffer from arthritis or otherwise have trouble using their hands, an electric toothbrush may do a better job of cleaning their teeth. Electric toothbrushes also have a timer on them as a reminder to brush for a full two minutes.

In conclusion, for most people, manual toothbrushes can do just as good of a job as electric toothbrushes, but it will depend on the person. To schedule your routine cleaning with the skilled dentists of Fairwood Dental Center of Renton, WA, call (425) 271-7725 or visit our website, www.fairwooddental.com